
Etsy Goal for 2012

Well, I had set a goal for myself in 2012 that I wanted to make 100 sales. I thought that was kind of lofty thinking at the time, but I actually surpassed it by Christmas time. Online shopping over Thanksgiving was very good for my shop. I'm also convinced that the more art I have available, the more activity (views, treasuries, sales, etc.) happens in the Etsy shop. I've got to set a new goal for this year, but not sure what this is right now. I'd like it not to be a monetary goal, but more of a "self growth as an artist" kind of goal.

I think my new printing press being delivered soon will determine my new goal for this year. More on that soon!


Our Wedding got published!

Check out our wedding story!

A Completely New Direction

Wow, it's been months since I've written a blog post. Lots of things have been happening...

We're pregnant, and expecting our baby boy any day now!

Life has been really fast and crazy the past few months. I quit my 9-5 marketing design job in September and began working with Heather in her ceramics studio, Element Ceramics. She needed big-time help at the studio after losing her assistant. We had been talking about bringing me on board for a long time, and the opportunity presented itself. We crunched some numbers, planned a lot and made the leap. Now with the baby coming, it will also be great that we can have him at the studio with us during the day. If I kept my old job, it would have been extremely tough on us with our schedules.

We started off with a big studio move from the Wedge building to Depot Street in the River Arts District. Heather was displaced from her old studio, and had to make a move. The new studio is great, and the work flow is much better than the old one.

It's been quite an adjustment for both of us. I've worked in corporate marketing design offices for more than 15 years, so not having a set schedule has been challenging and wonderful at the same time. Also very difficult for Heather, as she has the added pressure for being the main support for our family.

I bring some varied skills to the studio, and help out with some of the basic clay work like rolling slabs, wedging, etc. Shipping and customer relations are a big part of my job, and my marketing/graphics experience will help grow the business as well. I still continue to pursue my printmaking and graphic design in the off-hours when I can.

Life has changed a lot lately. Our baby boy will change it up again soon.
Very excited for what 2013 will bring I will bring to 2013!

Here are some recent studio photos by our favorite photographer, Jameykay Young.